Episode 24: The Kristy Edmunds Conversation

Question: Who’s the only artistic director of a major world player arts program that also happens to be able to say they had a full athletic scholarship to Montana State University to play volleyball? I know,this is a gimme question but for those few of you that don’t already know the answer please allow us to introduce you to Kristy Edmunds. Kristy runs Center for The Art Of Performance or as it’s more well known “CAP”. UCLA’s spectacular performing arts center. Mowo! sat down with Kristy and had an entertaining and frank discussion about the experience of running an arts program and her journey as an artist in her own right.While still in her 20’s in 1995 Kristy founded the Portland Institute For the Contemporary Arts (PICA) which is still going strong. Kristy  then left the United States and ran the highly creative and influential Melbourne International Arts Festival from 2005-2008. When she finished up her unprecedented 4 year run there she then served as the Deputy Dean of Victorian College of The Arts at The University Of Melbourne. Having said that we’ve reached a new all time high here at the Compared To What Podcast a Dean has joined us and we just used the adjective “unprecedented” …heady stuff for us.The Dean is here so behave or you will be put on double secret probation dear listener. Kristy is the perfect addition to the show. No pretense , no bullshit. Kristy’s a straight shooter who is in it for the love of the experience of discovering and presenting new and bold things in all aspects of art. She is the master of provoking folks into caring about the arts. A real defender of the arts and why they really matter who also happens to want to run a hotdog cart with an open mic. She can also play some mean volleyball. it’s win win people……enjoy!


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