Episode 25: The Joe Satriani Conversation

Style: "70's look"

Dateline 1979: A young Charlie Hunter with his mom stumbles into a local guitar shop in Berkley,CA looking to pick up some basics so he can just know how to play a little guitar. The teacher he would meet that day happened to be a young Joe Satriani who just happened to have a gig teaching local kids how to play guitar. Not metal guitar , not progressive rock guitar. ACTUAL guitar. Nuts and bolts guitar. So it was at Second Hand Guitars that a young Charlie got his ass handed to him on a  weekly basis by a slightly older Joe. Joe just so happens to have also studied with Lennie Tristano. Think you know somebody by their body of work or the style the specialize in? You don’t.Not many of you would expect that Joe would be Charlie’s teacher. Both have such distinct styles and sound on their instruments. Says a lot about both Joe’s teaching ability and Charlie’s dedication to learning and developing on his instrument.  Joe and Charlie sat down in the lobby of a hotel in New York City that wasn’t gracious enough to give them a quiet place to conduct and interview. Thanks unknown overpriced midtown joint in Manhattan!!! Charlie and Joe speak about Joe’s start of his solo career by putting the expenses of his first record completely on a credit card. Taking a shot on making an instrumental rock guitar album during a time where nobody bought them. Joe invented something. Joe reluctantly taught at the guitar store for ten years and helped shape the styles and playing a many players in the area. An incredible conversation between old friends with a real love of music.  CLICK THE LINK BELOW AND ALL THE MYSTERIES OF LIFE WILL BE SOLVED

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