Episode 45: The David Gamson Conversation


Question: Who has worked with Miles Davis,Roger Troutman,Marcus Miller,Meshell NdegeocelloJesse J,Kelly Clarkson and written 12 tone music/dodecaphonic jams with disco breakdowns?

Answer: The one and only David Gamson! (If you answered correctly please proceed to the bonus round!)

David Gamson is a song writer/Producer who first  came to fame as a major part of 80’s Synth Pop funk band Scritti Politti. With the smash hit “Perfect Way” leading the way Scritti made some astoundingly great albums. This conversation starts with Mowo! admitting he had obsessed over their song “Boom There She Was” while driving down to meet with David. Imagine the surprise Scritti Politti must have had when they learned that Miles Davis was covering “Perfect Way” for his “Tutu” album? That album was produced by Marcus Miller (a friend of CTWP Episode 42). The connections continue with Marcus having also played on the song “Boom There She Was”. That’s how we roll at CTWP. David Gamson also produced the majority of Meshell Ndegeocello’s absolutely classic first recording “Plantation Lullabies”. Mowo! and David sat down in David’s studio and covered everything from virtual synthesis,USB midi controllers,Hans Zimmer,our mutual friend Dave Porter (Episode 30 of CTWP) and Dave’s new TV show “Choose Your Wank” (this is not an actual TV show).  David  co-wrote Kelly Clarkson’s “Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)” (which was nominated for 2 Grammy’s) and has worked recently with Jesse J. More importantly though David is capable of writing 12 tone music with disco beats. Do not SLEEP on that folks! Welcome to the CTWP family David! Very happy to have you in the fold!

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