Episode 14: The Hal Willner Conversation Part 1



Full discloser: I (Mowo!) have known Hal Willner since I was the age of 5. The conversation you are about to hear contains some real gems. We’ve known each other for 35+ years. The conversation is bound to get a little inside. Having said all of that I am getting ahead of myself. Let me introduce you to Hal Willner. Hal has worked on a little lit of everything over the last 40 years. A champion of the downtown new york jazz scene………rock scene…….art scene………you name it, if there is a scene, he knows the key people in it and is without a doubt loved by the folks in that scene. He’s just that guy. How can you not love a guy that Ralph Steadman called “the great american wine slob”………..nuff said.  Hal has worked on films as a composer , music supervisor and music consultant for Wim Wenders (“The Million Dollar Hotel”) , Martin Scorcese (“The Gangs Of New York”)  , Robert Altman (“The Player”, “Kansas City” and “Short Cuts” )  and Gus Van Sant (“Finding Forrester”). That alone would be cool but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.Hal has been the guy that places all the music in skits for the last 30+ seasons on “SNL”. Hal’s also produced albums for Lou Reed, Marianne Faithfull, Lucinda Williams , Laurie Anderson , William S Burroughs and Allen Ginsgurg. Have you had enough? Just in case you have not Hal also single handedly invented the “tribute album project” with incredible projects focusing on the work of Disney , Monk  ,Nino Rota,Harry Smith  and Edith Piaf to name but a few.He also was the creative force behind an incredibly important music television show called “Night Music” which was hosted by the great David Sanborn. In an age of very few Renaissance Men/Women Hal is two Renaissance Men. A fascinating character and also personally a very important figure in my career as an artist. He also happens to be a student of my fathers.It’s win win folks.  This is a big episode for me personally on the show as Hal shared many experiences with my father in the studio. It ends at 1 hour as there will be a part two and potentially a part 3. Enjoy. CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO HEAR HAL TALK ABOUT A LOT OF THINGS


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3 Responses to “Episode 14: The Hal Willner Conversation Part 1”

  1. Jonathan dorn says:

    Great to hear the two of you talk about those days, working with leon was the most difficult and strangest thing i ever did, i lasted 10 years and finally called it quits with him and his wife manager this interview made me feel great Bobby gordon just passed away recently, I remember the night at the bijou most unusual my love to both of you

  2. Jonathan dorn says:

    Great conversation, I remember those sessions and they bring back great memories and great insane monents the live recording from the
    bijoup, I didn’t know it was being recorded I came out of the club after the shows and saw the sound truck and charlie Grenne and i went nuts on him, he just laughed me hope to hear from you guys be well, Jonathan aka Uncle Johnny

  3. CTWP says:

    hey!……..glad you liked it. and to think I almost edited out the beginning to start on “I met you at a fire!!” …… glad you dug it. Surreal times indeed. Leon always creeped me out as a kid. Real unique incredible talent but as a guy…….i mean he fed me a piece of raw garlic once when I was like 5 saying that it was a piece of candy. Prick move. He thought of himself as W.C. Fields after that move I thought of him as an even pricklier , douche-ier W.C. Fields and that’s saying something!!!

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