Episode 22: The Rocco Urbisci Conversation
What’s the absolute coolest thing that George Carlin and Richard Pryor have in common? ( hint……it wasn’t having heart attacks) ….ok…..The answer is Rocco Urbisci. Rocco worked closely along side Richard Pryor on multiple films and tv shows. He co-wrote “Jo Jo Dancer Your Life Is Calling” with Richard and also Directed the NBC series “The Richard Pryor Show”. As if that wasn’t amazing enough in and of itself, Rocco is also directed all the comedy specials during George Carlin’s amazing run on HBO between 1986 and 2008. Throw in some incredible work with Lily Tomlin on a couple of specials and one woman shows and you begin to see that Rocco has really worked on and helped shape some of the most important comedy of an entire generation. Mowo! got to sit down with Rocco in the intimate setting of The Santa Monica Playhouse (btw, thanks Santa Monica Playhouse for allowing us to use the main stage for this episode very nice of you guys). The two touched on many subjects and Rocco spoke glowingly of both Richard Pryor and George Carlin. He also basically makes it about the artists. He’s NOT about him…..he’s about them. Good times indeed. Enjoy.
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