Episode 18: The Stewart Levine Conversation Part 2
This week we continue our conversation with the great Stewart Levine. For those that don’t remember where we left off we had decided to break for lunch. I can now confirm that a Badger Salad was NOT on the menu. Please check out part 1 of the conversation because I don’t want to repeat who and what Stewart Levine is here. During this conversation we cover Stewart’s time producing mega hits in England with Simply Red , Womack & Womack and Jamie Cullum. We also cover Stewart’s very spot on viewpoint of the American Idol show. I don’t want to give anything else away. Just give it a listen , you’ll be glad you did. (Stewart is the one on the left in the photo. His son Sunny is on the right…….two great cats. Oh and yes that’s Levine up top giving us a little taste on the sax. CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO HEAR THE CONVERSATION
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Why aren’t I playing on the intro ?