Episode 12: The Joe Henry Conversation


Mowo! sat down with Recording Artist, Songwriter, Record Producer and all around creative musician Joe Henry. This was the first time the two ever had a chance to sit down and have a little conversation. The two have worked with many of the same musicians and artists over the years but both share a real love for Richard Pryor which is where the conversation starts off ( Joe and his brother David have a book out now about Richard and while we promote NOTHING on this show …”Furious Cool-Richard Pryor And The World That Made Him”….check it out). Topics covered during this chat range from the aforementioned Mr. Pryor ,  discovering Jazz as a kid , Joe’s having grown up in suburban Detroit the son of a father in the auto industry. We also touch on the making of Joe’s album “Reverie” and the importance of sound in recordings and everyday life in general. Lastly this description would be useless without mentioning the great Little Jimmy Scott. Mostly because Little Jimmy Scott is truly an American Treasure. ( Joe and Mowo! have also worked with him. ). CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO HEAR THE CONVERSATION

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2 Responses to “Episode 12: The Joe Henry Conversation”

  1. Chris says:

    Hey Dudes,
    Love the podcast, and I was very much enjoying the conversation with the great Joe Henry. However, it appears to abruptly stop at 1:06:20. What gives?

    • CTWP says:

      Sorry…..that was it. We went on to talk about only a few more things actually and we strayed far from what we had been talking about. Bit of a THREE STOOGES ending but I didn’t have a “thanks and goodbye moment” Really glad you enjoyed the 66 minutes of conversation though! thanks for checking out the podcast!

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