Your Hosts Charlie Hunter and Mocean Worker have a message for you!


Welcome to The Compared To What Podcast.

Charlie Hunter and Mocean Worker are your hosts. (Please look them up on the interwebs. They’ve worked on some incredible music over the years)

The show is inspired by the classic recording “Comapred To What” by Les McCann and Eddie Harris. The song was written by Gene McDaniels and lyrically is perfect not only for the time they were written in  1960’s) but very much for today as well. Technically the podcast went live at 3:05 PDT on January 17, 2014. Seeing as that is Martin Luther King Jr. Day here in The United States we decided out of extreme respect to go “live” on the 18th instead. Can’t think of a better “born on” date than MLK Day.

The goal for the show is to sit down with as many interesting creative people as possible and just have  conversations.That’s kind of it. We want to give you,through our travels, a window into the world of the sort of people we interact with on a daily basis.

You might think in advance that this is a music podcast. It is not. While many of our conversation subjects are in fact musicians you will quickly see that we do not spend most of our time talking about music. That would be too easy. We have one rule here at the show. We are not a cog in your promotional wheel. This is not going to be another stop on someone’s promotional tour for whatever new project they are working. We want to get down to the business of talking and capturing stories and experiences.

So having said all of that here’s a little groove to get you in the mood. “Sho Nuff Now” ( the compared to what “theme”……featuring Mocean Worker and Charlie Hunter……and Bill Frisell , Rahsaan Roland Kirk and Hal Willner ( but mostly Charlie and Mowo! cause those other guys are total schlubs! )

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