Episode 7: The Paul Canales Conversation
If you ever get a chance to meet Paul Canales please ask him about the process of opening and starting a restaurant. His explanation of this process when Charlie sat down with him is one of the funniest things we’ve heard in years. it’s the stuff that this podcast is all about actually. Paul owns and is the head Chef at Oakland’s Duende. Duende is very hip (actually hip not this new nonsensical version of the word) restaurant that features some of the bay areas most creative music as well. AS mentioned Charlie got to sit down with Paul on the middle of a busy day of prep and hear some great stories. By the way Paul might know more about jazz than most jazz musicians. A really enjoyable conversation. CLICK THE LINK BELOW BECAUSE FOR SOME REASON WORDPRESS HATES US AND HAS MADE ALL OF OUR AUDIO PLAYERS VANISH! ( AND YOU CAN HEAR THIS EPISODE )
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can he make badger salad???
Went to Duende last night and saw Secret Chiefs 3 play music by John Zorn. Great performance, and food, beer, vibe at this place also superb. Just listened to this interview and made me like Duende (and Charlie Hunter) even more. Duende books an interesting mix of local and artists passing thru, lots of cool stuff in an intimate venue and reasonable price. Nice!