Episode 1: The Charlie Hunter and Mocean Worker Introduction To The Podcast Conversation

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Welcome to the Podcast. Seriously,sit down and relax,get comfortable and prepare yourself for probably the best conversation about the inspiration for the starting of a podast between a 7 string guitarist and a 30’s inspired electronic musician you will ever hear. Impressed? We know we are. In this episode The hosts sit down and interview each other about why they wanted to start the show in the first place. “This was Charlie’s idea so blame him!” says co-host Adam Dorn (A.K.A Mocean Worker). We wanted to create a conversation show. Some folks might think this is an interview show but really we just sit down with people that we really admire and get more of a sense of who they are and why they do what they do. Is it a music show? Not really. It’s just conversations about life in America seen through the eyes of creative Americans and Americants. CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO LISTEN TO THE CONVERSATION.


p.s. What’s up with the “urban graffiti” settings Charlie and Mowo! are hanging out in in these pictures!?!? Is that a shot from Charlie’s days on “The Wire” ……is this Mowo! as “Toilet Trader” ??

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4 Responses to “Episode 1: The Charlie Hunter and Mocean Worker Introduction To The Podcast Conversation”

  1. Chris says:

    I’m really looking forward to listening to these. I had a hard time finding the subscription link though. Could you get http://comparedtowhatpodcast.com/category/podcast/feed/ added on the front page so folks can more easily add your show to our podcatchers?

  2. steph says:

    Sounds like a coupla wisenheimers. love it.

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