Episode 9: The Dionne Farris Conversation

Dionne Ep Photo

Charlie got to sit down with old friend Dionne Farris. You may know Dionne from her days as a key member of  the Hip Hop group Arrested Development. Without a doubt you know her her smash hit from the 90’s “I know”.  She’s an incredible singer and musician who has continued to grow and master her craft. Do not judge this book by it’s cover. Dionne breaks down the experience of pop stardom and it’s a really fascinating tale indeed. You’ll really enjoy this conversation and you may even hear Charlie’s dog running around in the background too. That’s how we roll.  CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO HEAR THE CONVERSATION

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3 Responses to “Episode 9: The Dionne Farris Conversation”

  1. Jamatulli says:

    A great conversation between two real artists. I heard you two together at Rockwood in the LES and it was amazing. Love to see you get that PledgeMusic going to help get a record done.

  2. Ian Hartley says:

    Every one of these conversations is an eye opener. Such a great format. I’m hooked!

  3. CTWP says:

    Thanks Ian! so glad you dig it…..many many many more a coming!

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